Like an addict on drugs, your life is hooked on sin. Evil's at your door, It's saying let me in. I'll give what you want. I've got what you need. You better beware, because pleasure's a thief. Plenty of time, plenty of space. All I see is pleasure, clouding my face. Chorus: Corrupt, You're never sure who you can trust Unjust, Whenever you give in to lust Corrupt, Now your begins to rust Unjust, Whenever sins a must. There's not a lot of difference, between the sinner and saint. It all comes down to, where it is he puts his faith. Don't be among, those who are seduced. Though she looks good, She's still a prostitute. Plenty of time, plenty of space. All I see is pleasure, clouding my face. Chorus: Corrupt, You're never sure who you can trust Unjust, Whenever you give in to lust Corrupt, Now your begins to rust Unjust, Whenever sins a must. Flesh controls the situation, you make your decision Flesh breeds corruption, let's defeat life's seduction Don't fight, there's one way Don't fight, you can live today