The world eater approaches All galactus brings is death and chaos in his wake Crippling fear The silhouette of my enemy approaching The universe collapsing behind him The world eater is here Destruction All around Bodies litter the ground Depopulation Of what I have built My minions turn against me in the blink of an eye Black holes opening to reveal mt opposition appearance The beginning of the end The apocalypse is here For the first time fear is taking over my thoughts How can this be stopped How do I stand a chance The only one to pose a threat Bringing nothing but emptiness Armies fall before him Life sucked dry from all living creatures Colliding planets as he grows nearer Eclipsing all of space Consumption of my world The eater nearing the end of his process The Earths core sucked dry It begins to crumblevdrom the inside I brace for this Ruins now my home Six pieces used for destruction now used to defend Shards of Earth breaking off Into space Constellations rearranged From the destruction No amount of cosmic force can stop this Ripping pieces of existence away The process now close to complete The world eaters deed is fulfilled My throne it crumbles on the ground I was creator the merciless destroyer Nothing remains of my throne