
Extraterrestial Mother


Primitive minds entrapped in
A mortal shell, exiles.
Psycopatic monuments, selfdestructively
Inclined - vivid kind.

We share the sanctuary of no escape.
Too pretty place for postintelligent
Defeat laboratory.

Prisoners guarded br transplanetary
Typhoons by lethal climate.

Separated with a distance of eternity
From the feeding heart.

But few feel something what
The others cannot experience
We, the children of the lesser race.

Few can see the signs unable to
Understand yet.
We, who head in her embraces
Through our dreams.

We await of what others shiver
The ones of no redemption.
We await the day when death will
Cover our crippled embodiments with
The shroud of eternal sleep,
And bring us over the threshold
Of the mother's house.

Forever, immaterial shelter
Where the feeding breast awaits.
The dearest atom heart beating
Which echoes:

Never let me down
Again my son.