
The Shining One


How you have fallen from heaven, morningstar.
Son of the dawn, whose ban shall be his scar.

You have been cast down,
From heaven to the earth.
You who once laid low the nations.
Loved before all others' birth.

"I will ascend unto the heavens!
I will raise my rage to god!
I sit enthroned assembly,
On the heights of mount zaphon!
I ascend the tops of clouds!
Make myself most high!
Invoke the rule of babylon."

But you are brought down to the realms of dead,
To ponder fiery fate.
Is this the man who shook the earth,
And made the kingdoms quake?
The man who made the world the wild,
Who overthrew its kings.
Who would not let his captives go?
Usurping everything.

Thrown unto the earth
Underworldly king
Hail, the lord of flies
Hail, father of lies
Rising evil, bringer of light
God has cast thee into the night

Satan rise!!!