They say that time erases everything But your memories can never be erased You live in me like the first day you gave me Life, you were light in my darkness, and hope In my difficulties, I can never forget you You were that mother who taught me to love That with your example you showed me that Life is always the patience of each Being human, you taught me that it's better Give than receive, you advised me They say that time erases everything But your memories can never be erased You live in me like the first day you gave me Life, you were light in my darkness, and hope In my difficulties, I can never forget you You are still in my life that beacon of light that shines In storms or high tides, in order to Come to a good port, Mother even though you are with God you will live in me and in my heart I will love you More wing of my own life, those who still They have her alive, take care of her and love her and share With her, remember that life is something like A lightning, what happens and we do not realize They say that time erases everything But your memories can never be erased You live in me like the first day you gave me Life, you were light in my darkness, and hope In my difficulties, I can never forget you