Every time the Sun comes up, I think of you I remember you how you remember the most Precious of life, and I want to run to your Arms you are in my mind bis I think of you when I go out to the street when I drink A taxi, I look at the driver and I see you I get to work and see you when I turn on the Computer, when signing documents You are on my mind Every time the Sun comes up, I think of you I remember you how you remember the most Precious of life, and I want to run to your Arms you are in my mind bis I see you when you get to the market where I Listen, I see you in the water that I drink I turn on the TV and see your face Going to the movies, going to the park, going to the circus I see you everywhere because You are in my mind Every time the Sun comes up, I think of you I remember you how you remember the most Precious of life, and I want to run to your Arms you are in my mind bis