Two people love each other with heart and soul Who feel sincere love, and their married life is one of happiness Not absolute but better than many, because they deliver With the soul and the heart, there is only room for reason With heart and soul, the professional who places his Ethics above all things and works and produces things That make a country develop more every day, does not fear the Adversities because it works with the heart and soul With heart and soul, parents raise their children, teaching them Values and principles, making them good men and women, and always They are proud of their children and never expect retribution from their children They know why because they formed and raised their children with heart and soul With heart and soul, true teachers teach their students And they see them as if they were their children, and they always have answers for them It does not guide you to ease, but it does teach you methods so that they understand Better each class, they know why because they educate with the heart and soul Gentlemen, everything you do in life, do it with your heart and soul There is no other option, and you will see that things work better