Where is our reasoning? God created us To rule the world, I take us all Animals as the most intelligent, who could Use reason in all things that happen Around him But what do human beings do? We fight, We yell at each other, and we always believe we are right before others, Jealousy blinds us, envy eats away at us, and with everything And that, we kill animals that are on the way to extinction Where is our reasoning? God created us To rule the world, I take us all Animals as the most intelligent, who could Use reason in all things that happen Around him We are the destroyers of the ecosystem, We dirty the rivers, beaches, streams, and everything that God created to enjoy, we feel joy in the face of pain Stranger while the animals gather to Help your partner in distress Where is our reasoning? God created us To rule the world, I take us all Animals as the most intelligent, who could Use reason in all things that happen Around him Maybe the list is big, but I want to round off, How about the wars they wage in the name of one Peace, when war is not the best antidote to Peace, peace is brought with understanding, enhancement of Values, respect for all our fellow man Where is our reasoning? God created us To rule the world, I take us all Animals as the most intelligent, who could Use reason in all things that happen Around him