Happiness, a word with many meanings Of action, what is happiness, is the question that Many are made, and others claim never They found happiness, but have you stopped to think How is happiness achieved? Happiness is loving the old man, the child, the young man, the Adult, it is seeing that another has need and we We can help them and we help you, it's loving family And to be loved by the family is to look at creation and say God really loves me Happiness, a word with many meanings Of action, what is happiness, is the question that Many are made, and others claim never They found happiness, but have you stopped to think How is happiness achieved? It is being able to understand that we are not the same and that we must Accepting others as they are is not discriminating, not despising Do not raise false testimonies, it is to attend a church with the conscience Clean, without criticizing others who attend, is to help the beggar to Eating, happiness is so many things, but many believe that happiness Is the money Happiness, a word with many meanings Of action, what is happiness, is the question that Many are made, and others claim never They found happiness, but have you stopped to think How is happiness achieved?