We are made of fine wood, the strongest, and most resistant We've been through so much but in the end we always beat her We are children of Guaicaipuro, of Urimare, of Guaicamacuto, of India Rosa, and of all our indigenous aborigines we have essences from them Of warriors of tribes with essences of shamans of bis tribes We have been subdued by invaders who arrived in times of colonization But our aboriginal fathers preferred to die rather than bend They never allowed us to be subdued, least of all by force, in some Things bent us, managing to change our religious essence that The one that our ancestors adored nature and Pachamama We are made of fine wood, the strongest, and most resistant We've been through so much but in the end we always beat her We are children of Guaicaipuro, of Urimare, of Guaicamacuto, of India Rosa, and of all our indigenous aborigines we have essences from them Of warriors of tribes with essences of shamans of bis tribes We have resisted and we have risen to earthquakes, mudslides but the most It is important that we are in solidarity with each other, that is why Venezuela It is the country that has not only the best culture, tourism and natural beauties, but That its people are also beautiful, people who will never be found anywhere Place in the world, so let's say with pride, we are Venezuelans We are made of fine wood, the strongest, and most resistant We've been through so much but in the end we always beat her We are children of Guaicaipuro, of Urimare, of Guaicamacuto, of India Rosa, and of all our indigenous aborigines we have essences from them Of warriors of tribes with essences of shamans of bis tribes