Sergio Umbria


Sergio Umbria

Venezuela country of beautiful women, land of
Mises, and natural beauties, magical in his walk
And exotic before so much beauty, land of my own universes
My world, and other contests of beauties more encore

Venezuela the land of Maritza Sayalero, Irene Saez
León, Astrid Carolina Herrera, Alicia Machado, Bárbara
Palacios, Dayana Mendoza, Estefania Fernandez, and
Other women who stood out not only for their beauty
But also because of her intelligence, which has impacted the world

Venezuela country of beautiful women, land of
Mises, and natural beauties, magical in his walk
And exotic before so much beauty, land of my own universes
My world, and other contests of beauties more encore

Venezuela of the hard-working and honest woman, of the woman
That raises and educates her children, that of the faithful and self-sacrificing wife
That of the firefighter, that of the car driver, that of the worker, that of the
Executive, that of culture to all Venezuelan women
Go this my singing cultural folkloric praise her beauty

Venezuela country of beautiful women, land of
Mises, and natural beauties, magical in his walk
And exotic before so much beauty, land of my own universes
My world, and other contests of beauties more encore