I don't understand why people live more attentive Of the lives of others before their own They do not realize that their lives are a mess and that That deserve to pay attention are themselves People who only serve to carry gossip and speak ill Of others, criticize the beliefs of others, because They are of the same religion, they carry gossip to their parents, with the So that they claim or hit their children, they invent things I don't understand why people live more attentive Of the lives of others before their own They do not realize that their lives are a mess and that That deserve to pay attention are themselves They get up early and go to other people's houses at five In the morning to criticize the neighbor that if I am late, and They steal people's time, that time they could be Maybe making breakfast or lunch, stop being toxic Even when toxic people I don't understand why people live more attentive Of the lives of others before their own They do not realize that their lives are a mess and that That deserve to pay attention are themselves