When the Bible speaks of God's love for us And the kind of love we should have for him and for others People, the word is always agape, which means A commitment to act His glory covers the heavens, and the earth is filled with his praise And the radiance of God is like bright rays coming out of his Hands, And in the love we practice, the presence of God, and the fire of the Holy Spirit, burn away all impurity of imperfection What's in us When the Bible speaks of God's love for us And the kind of love we should have for him and for others People, the word is always agape, which means A commitment to act God's love for us is so great and merciful That we can never understand the love of God, we only have to imitate him And practice love towards others and give them our love and solidarity With our fellow men, that in the end we are similar to God When the Bible speaks of God's love for us And the kind of love we should have for him and for others People, the word is always agape, which means A commitment to act