The belief in a supreme being can influence Fundamentally in the way of perceiving life Believing in God can give you strength, courage and an important Sense of hope. It can motivate you to become the Better version of yourself and treat others with kindness Not only will this help you keep going every time The going gets tough, but you'll start too Aa see things from a brighter perspective, in In summary, trusting in God can give you the strength to face Your fears and overcome what is blocking you The belief in a supreme being can influence Fundamentally in the way of perceiving life Believing in God can give you strength, courage and an important Sense of hope. It can motivate you to become the Better version of yourself and treat others with kindness Too often, we take many aspects of our Lives simply as something granted, from the minuscule wonders That we find in our daily life even the most precious aspects Of your existence, we often treat them simply as something that was given to us Needless to say, we can also completely forget who We owe every aspect of our lives, from the air we breathe Even the food we eat, for men this is impossible But for God everything is possible