Shared dreams is what we have We dream of our future, our home Where you and I will live happily ever after Where the envy and the bad intention of the people It does not affect us because we love each other bis We dream of having our home, in a house Where it doesn't matter how big or comfortable The important thing is our love, where the coffee In the morning we take them in the same cup Shared dreams is what we have We dream of our future, our home Where you and I will live happily ever after Where the envy and the bad intention of the people It does not affect us because we love each other bis We dream that I arrive and you wait for me with A kiss and tell me how it was today and I tell you Good and how did you feel and tell us that We miss each other, because our love is a Dream shared between you and me Shared dreams is what we have We dream of our future, our home Where you and I will live happily ever after Where the envy and the bad intention of the people It does not affect us because we love each other bis