There are people who instead of speaking, shout, get exasperated And they even hit, in communication the main thing is to be Serene, but many find serenity difficult in communication The main element of communication is serenity No matter how many ugly things they say to us, or insults they utter towards We, let's think that we are not looking bad, we are They who come out how troglodyte they are, although there will be many who They will provoke you saying and you did not say anything The wise man is silent before the Insults of the fool There are people who instead of speaking, shout, get exasperated And they even hit, in communication the main thing is to be Serene, but many find serenity difficult in communication The main element of communication is serenity I know that it is very difficult to maintain serenity, but without serenity There is communication, what there is insults Shouts, fights, and things are committed That later we regret it, do an exercise when you talk, just Take a deep breath and count to ten and smile to get over your bad mood There are people who instead of speaking, shout, get exasperated And they even hit, in communication the main thing is to be Serene, but many find serenity difficult in communication The main element of communication is serenity