How many times have you judged someone for their appearance? There are things you don't see but that people have and are Beautiful, never be carried away by appearances, look What's inside, never judge the gift by appearance Of the case People are sometimes judged by the way they dress or look If they see someone with a hippie appearance, they immediately think that He is a thug, I have known people with appearances like that and they are Lawyers, doctors among others, are people who like to dress How many times have you judged someone for their appearance? There are things you don't see but that people have and are Beautiful, never be carried away by appearances, look What's inside, never judge the gift by appearance Of the case Others make fun of drunks, or homosexuals for the purpose of Humiliate them in front of the people, and they do not see their noble heart that these You can have, Jesus never despised anyone whatever it was or Did he forget when he arrived and was with sinners and the disciples criticized him? And he said the healthy do not need doctors but the sick How many times have you judged someone for their appearance? There are things you don't see but that people have and are Beautiful, never be carried away by appearances, look What's inside, never judge the gift by appearance Of the case Don't forget when the prostitute washed her feet with her tears Of Jesus and with her hair I dry them, and said Jesus she has done What you have not done, remember appearances friend or friend They cheat, because it also happens that you see people with impeccable appearances And they are the worst in the world How many times have you judged someone for their appearance? There are things you don't see but that people have and are Beautiful, never be carried away by appearances, look What's inside, never judge the gift by appearance Of the case