Primary colors are the ones that are the basis for Other colors, today I will talk about the meaning of each One of them, first I will talk about the target, which is the Symbol of purity mainly of God The black, they always point out as bad, since Black is darkness, but it always has its point of light But it's not how they want to make it look either, which is from Enemy of God and humanity, in this modality they have Murdered a lot of black people Yellow, is the symbol of wealth, symbol of gold In the cards it represents money, in the spiritual, abundance And prosperity, Blue, is the color of the sky and the sea It means multiplication of things, which become immeasurable Like the sky and like the sea, and what exists within them Red, many associate them with blood, it could be because the Blood is red, and represents the bloodshed of martyrs And innocent but also indicates passion, love, union and desire Of what for many is forbidden, by combining both Secondary colors