Wherever we turn our gaze, we see That the peoples of advanced culture have put A system of extensive provisions is in place for The satisfaction of bis human needs I'm not talking about the towns to which the aristocrats They call developed, because if we see they have no development If not delay, because it congests public roads, they create Sonic and environmental pollution, that's not what I mean To another kind of town Wherever we turn our gaze, we see That the peoples of advanced culture have put A system of extensive provisions is in place for The satisfaction of bis human needs I am referring to those peoples that have been developed But they preserve their architectural structure, with That cultural essence that tells its story, but that tries to The protection of its inhabitants so that they advance without Any problem, as did the Mayans, Aztecs, timotocuicas Among others Wherever we turn our gaze, we see That the peoples of advanced culture have put A system of extensive provisions is in place for The satisfaction of bis human needs