Let's love each other from the heart, not from the lips, only That is what God constantly tells us so that we can put it In action, but humanity full of hatred and resentment They do the opposite, and the misers promote war and Plague the land of misery and pain Two great commandments I give, God said that you love me for Above all else, and the latter love your neighbor as Yourself, but many believe that the neighbor is the one who has money He who lives in mansions and villas, and the poor, the needy We have to separate the sick, or those who think differently Let's love each other from the heart, not from the lips, only That is what God constantly tells us so that we can put it In action, but humanity full of hatred and resentment They do the opposite, and the misers promote war and Plague the land of misery and pain Look around you, you will see people who need your help And they expect you to look at him as God would look at him, leave your pride And your pride do not let God look at you with contempt and separate you From his great mansion, do what Jesus did, who said the healthy ones They do not need a doctor but the sick, we are going to practice the True love of God Let's love each other from the heart, not from the lips, only That is what God constantly tells us so that we can put it In action, but humanity full of hatred and resentment They do the opposite, and the misers promote war and Plague the land of misery and pain