Sergio Umbria

Love Someone

Sergio Umbria

Loving someone is one thing, someone loved you is another
But that I loved you the same person you love, is everything
There are always differences between wanting and loving, wanting
Anyone wants, love is only given by the one who does it with him
Big heart

It is beautiful when there is empathy between two people and
Between them all be peace, because love brings peace, it is beautiful
When the heart and soul is given, when it is fed
Love with details that break the heart and make it melt

Loving someone is one thing, someone loved you is another
But that I loved you the same person you love, is everything
There are always differences between wanting and loving, wanting
Anyone wants, love is only given by the one who does it with him
Big heart

Sometimes there are beings who they love, they do not love, but
He who loves him does not love, it is among badgers that life has
But it is beautiful to enjoy next to the person you love
Because he also loves one, it is looking at the sky and saying to God
Thank you

Loving someone is one thing, someone loved you is another
But that I loved you the same person you love, is everything
There are always differences between wanting and loving, wanting
Anyone wants, love is only given by the one who does it with him
Big heart