Let's live life without harming others, let's be honest When it comes to showing friendship towards others, let us be Loyal and honest with ourselves, let a Side envy and grudges, which only destroy the soul It is not our problem what others do, they have the right To be happy, and who are we to get involved then? Sometimes our burdens are too heavy to take on others, don't you think? Let's do good always, let's not get tired of doing it that when We make our spirits comfort and rejoice Let's live life without harming others, let's be honest When it comes to showing friendship towards others, let us be Loyal and honest with ourselves, let a Side envy and grudges, which only destroy the soul Let's stop discriminating, rejoicing at the evil of others, let's take Always peace wherever we go, let's not hurt anyone, that That is charged by God, and our conscience disturbs us day and night And it doesn't let us sleep, whatever we are but let's not do Harm to no one Let's live life without harming others, let's be honest When it comes to showing friendship towards others, let us be Loyal and honest with ourselves, let a Side envy and grudges, which only destroy the soul