It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro It's time to milk the cows, because they have to go to Grazing in the paddocks that have good straw, let's go Sing at milking time so that the cow gets more milk from Sing the butterfly cow, or calf and if not they tell me that I I take out the cornet and I put music on it It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro Everyone to the corral, we go to the corral, that after milking We are going to curdle the milk for the cheese to take out, we will boil The whey for cottage cheese take out, let's go guys let's go Everyone to the corral, it's time to milk, old maple, maple It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro It's five in the morning, it's time to milk Already the cows in the corral begin to bellow Arza old man to get up all, let's go to the corral that already It's time to milk, first it will be lucerito, then cara e toro