Let's stop being so irrational and let's always communicate Let's stop yelling at others to make us feel like we are Strongest and bravest of all, the screaming and irrationality They are characteristics of the one who is never right, let's be rational Let's forget about last names when we talk to others, because Many use their last name to say that they have always been the most Braves of the pack, understanding and listening communication It makes free and always leads us to a conclusion and we all end Like good friends Let's stop being so irrational and let's always communicate Let's stop yelling at others to make us feel like we are Strongest and bravest of all, the screaming and irrationality They are characteristics of the one who is never right, let's be rational We boast that we have many degrees, postgraduate degrees, master's degrees Doctorates, and when it comes to proving it we don't do it, we talk to Screams, and like an animal in heat that fights with others to show What is the alpha male, that's how we behave when we don't talk but We scream Let's stop being so irrational and let's always communicate Let's stop yelling at others to make us feel like we are Strongest and bravest of all, the screaming and irrationality They are characteristics of the one who is never right, let's be rational