No, don't fear the vicissitudes of life, I know, I know That have marked epitaphs in you like the brand Of Christ on his cross, but don't worry, our Help comes from God, just laugh at life encore No, don't stop the financial situation, because you could Go crazy, or make a tragic decision, laugh at life And you will see that you will be the happiest being in life, that your partner left With another or with another, laugh at that, life is not worth it Of one worrying why we destroy ourselves as humans No, don't fear the vicissitudes of life, I know, I know That have marked epitaphs in you like the brand Of Christ on his cross, but don't worry, our Help comes from God, just laugh at life encore That people criticize you, laugh at criticism, don't give up To the envious and the one with the flattering tongue who are only happy Seeing others suffer, laugh at life, I know there are things That ignite but that does not stop, wars, corruption Neither envy, witchcraft, or so much evil in people No, don't fear the vicissitudes of life, I know, I know That have marked epitaphs in you like the brand Of Christ on his cross, but don't worry, our Help comes from God, just laugh at life encore Come on laugh with me at life, that's laugh and You will see that you release all the adrenaline that is in you Keep laughing at life, that's how it is when you see you laugh, it is they who They will die of rage and pain, hahahahahahahahahaha