Here I am alone in my home, in the shelter of my home In the silence of my home, I reflect, and make plans To arise in my life, I also reflect on the deal What do I have with my neighbors, the silence of the home is beautiful In this silence, I realize that I should be more attentive to My family, to be more cordial with my neighbors, and I also reflect About my faith, it is this silence that makes me a new person A humbler human being, and more attentive, but above all he teaches me To forgive Here I am alone in my home, in the shelter of my home In the silence of my home, I reflect, and make plans To arise in my life, I also reflect on the deal What do I have with my neighbors, the silence of the home is beautiful I always come home and I am in that silence that makes me see How I am and what I need to improve, let's not bother with silence From our home and take the opportunity to reflect and you will see that things They work better, home sweet home, it's beautiful to say home sweet home Here I am alone in my home, in the shelter of my home In the silence of my home, I reflect, and make plans To arise in my life, I also reflect on the deal What do I have with my neighbors, the silence of the home is beautiful