Sergio Umbria

I Will do

Sergio Umbria

I will make you never forget me, I will make you never
Stop loving me and if it's true that with him
Time all love dies, I will stop time
Between the two 

I will make an effort to give you details, to write you poems
And that every moment we spend together, be
Unforgettable and we want to repeat them, that you feel each
Kiss, each caress, each moment that we make love
Be unforgettable for both of you

I will make you never forget me, I will make you never
Stop loving me and if it's true that with him
Time all love dies, I will stop time
Between the two 

I will become your Sun, your Moon, that star
That illuminates your existence, that in your heart you only have
Love for me, I will be that glass of water that you drink, that
Air you breathe, I will be the cane that supports you when you walk

I will make you never forget me, I will make you never
Stop loving me and if it's true that with him
Time all love dies, I will stop time
Between the two