The so-called left-wing humanist considers His main care is to ensure human values He does not belong to any party, because he does not want to betray The human, but his sympathies are inclined to the humble To the humble he consecrates his beautiful classical culture For the left humanist, values are paramount To attend, he goes to the neighborhoods to study, analyze And seek solutions to the social problems that occur there He makes them feel that they are important, and that they are worth a lot, as Like Commander Chavez did The so-called left-wing humanist considers His main care is to ensure human values He does not belong to any party, because he does not want to betray The human, but his sympathies are inclined to the humble To the humble he consecrates his beautiful classic culture He never betrays the human, he shows it in his daily actions He is always by the side of the underdog, the humble, the people of On foot, and he feels the pain of the people as his own, and defends his Culture to cape and sword, without allowing invasions of other cultures The so-called left-wing humanist considers His main care is to ensure human values He does not belong to any party, because he does not want to betray The human, but his sympathies are inclined to the humble To the humble he consecrates his beautiful classic culture