However, bread and wine are products Important cultural, really express The vitality of the Human Being. They represent a Cultural knowledge, which is the fruit of attention Patience, industry, devotion and The laborious instrumentation Bread is the food that provides vitamins Essential for the body, wine is the essence of Water that nourishes the body and makes it vitally important To process the bread, and to be able to vote of our body Human waste However, bread and wine are products Important cultural, really express The vitality of the Human Being. They represent a Cultural knowledge, which is the fruit of attention Patience, industry, devotion and The laborious instrumentation That is why our father we give thanks for Our daily bread, and Jesus made it very clear in His Holy Supper, the bread to eat on behalf of His body, since it is God who gives us strength, just as That the wine said "drink because this is my blood" referring To the wine However, bread and wine are products Important cultural, really express The vitality of the Human Being. They represent a Cultural knowledge, which is the fruit of attention Patience, industry, devotion and The laborious instrumentation