Before your feet I bow and humble myself before you sir To ask you to look with compassion on the world that It's messy, the news is not encouraging Nowhere in the world, everything is a pandemonium Before your feet I bow and humble myself before you sir To ask you to look with compassion on the world that It's messy, the news is not encouraging Nowhere in the world, everything is a pandemonium Lord give me your grace and your mercy not to succumb In the face of so much pain, and not be weak in the face of so much injustice, only you are God, but you are also the judge of the world and I know that your justice Divine will arrive at the moment that you decide, I only ask you to do Your will and have mercy on us and the whole world sir Before your feet I bow and humble myself before you sir To ask you to look with compassion on the world that It's messy, the news is not encouraging Nowhere in the world, everything is a pandemonium Before your feet I bow and humble myself before you sir To ask you to look with compassion on the world that It's messy, the news is not encouraging Nowhere in the world, everything is a pandemonium I ask that you give happiness to those children who have had a difficult time And hard, and they have become women and men before their time That they have not had the opportunity to play as everything should be Child, give daily bread to all those who do not have, and on All make the rulers no longer so despots, and let Their personal interests and that they understand that the people suffer Before your feet I bow and humble myself before you sir To ask you to look with compassion on the world that It's messy, the news is not encouraging Nowhere in the world is everything pandemonium