Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish Because of his ability to climb trees, he will live his whole life Thinking that he is useless, where others expose his work I only intend to show my spirit Nope! There are no miracles in the sense given to this word Because everything stands out from the eternal laws of creation and those Laws are perfect, If, in a general way, mediums If they were only concerned with serving, they would be able to carry out real Conquests for our cause Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish Because of his ability to climb trees, he will live his whole life Thinking that he is useless, where others expose his work I only intend to show my spirit There is no doubt about the existence of spirits and their wisdom But we are not sure that they are who they say they are There is no doubt about the existence of spirits and their wisdom But we are not sure that they are who they say they are The offering is a gift that we give some spirit or court For a favor received or simply to request one Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish Because of his ability to climb trees, he will live his whole life Thinking that he is useless, where others expose his work I only intend to show my spirit