Every storm has its calm, no matter how strong Let the winds be, and as much as the boat Get wet, the time comes when the winds go Being docile little by little until reaching its recession Who are not having difficult times in these Moments?, perhaps the economic situation is overwhelming you Health, financial, mourning, among others, and maybe you say God abandoned me Let me tell you that God does not abandon anyone, only that it is time Of your test, and you have to be brave and overcome it Every storm has its calm, no matter how strong Let the winds be, and as much as the boat Get wet, the time comes when the winds go Being docile little by little until reaching its recession Perhaps you are in mourning for your loved one, and you cry inconsolably I'm very sorry, but don't say as everyone says, God why did you take him Remember that death is part of life, we are born but we know What is our end, or perhaps problems at work, do not Anxiety that in every job there are problems Every storm has its calm, no matter how strong Let the winds be, and as much as the boat Get wet, the time comes when the winds go Being docile little by little until reaching its recession