Sergio Umbria


Sergio Umbria

Morning dew, maybe at noon
Or maybe in the afternoon or at night
At any time it is beautiful to see fall
A drizzle makes you want to live more
A drizzle makes you want to live more

Refreshes the environment, improves the temperature
And the home fills with harmony, the plants revive
With a dew of drizzle, the birds rejoice
And they take the opportunity to bathe, and they listen to each other
Sing for joy when the drizzle falls

Morning dew, maybe at noon
Or maybe in the afternoon or at night
At any time it is beautiful to see fall
A drizzle makes you want to live more
A drizzle makes you want to live more

The Sun can be seen to change its character, and
Doses a little more, God sends
The drizzle to refresh the day
So that farmers are given the
Harvest in their lands, which by far
They sowed love and thanks to San Isidro
Owner of the crops, fruit will bloom

Morning dew, maybe at noon
Or maybe in the afternoon or at night
At any time it is beautiful to see fall
A drizzle makes you want to live more
A drizzle makes you want to live more