Sergio Umbria

Culture Is, First

Sergio Umbria

Culture is, first of all, the expression of a
Nation, its preferences, its taboos, its models
There is knowledge of why all this and this is reflected
In the society that always looks for the reason of the things

As it is also the expression of their religion, of their way of life
Traditions, and everything that surrounds the human being that later
It is transferred to the collective, it can be tangible or intangible, but
It is always present and nobody can eliminate it, it defends itself
Even with life as our aboriginal ancestors did

Culture is, first of all, the expression of a
Nation, its preferences, its taboos, its models
There is knowledge of why all this and this is reflected
In the society that always looks for the reason of the things

Culture is always created and manifested as a collective
Individual contributes so that the culture is enriched and grows
And it manifests itself in society, and remains among the collective
As part of them, and they make it of them, and it is transferred from
Generation to generation

Culture is, first of all, the expression of a
Nation, its preferences, its taboos, its models
There is knowledge of why all this and this is reflected
In the society that always looks for the reason of the things