The crucial differences that set them apart To human societies and beings Humans are not biological, they are cultural Let's get rid of that thought that marks Differences between ourselves God made us in his likeness, let us not despise No one, nor mark others for thinking differently To us, we are beings that one day we will become Nothing, and forgotten in a tomb that nobody ever Visit The crucial differences that set them apart To human societies and beings Humans are not biological, they are cultural Let's get rid of that thought that marks Differences between ourselves Differences are established according to culture That you drive, let's forget that we have to despise To people because of their skin color, their social status, their religion Their political ideology, their sexual preference, or their way of dressing That, is a cultural problem that you have if you apply it The crucial differences that set them apart To human societies and beings Humans are not biological, they are cultural Let's get rid of that thought that marks Differences between ourselves