I want to sing these prayers, I want this Christmas Be really happy Precious Virgin Mary, fill our lives with joys Virgen del Carmen, bless the Andes Virgin of peace, fill Venezuela with prosperity San Juan Bautista, change this edge to Venezuela San Juda Tadeo, Help us this Christmas to have a good time And stick your fingers for the peace of Venezuela Holy Blessed Barbara, spill your glass and give joy And blessings to all in Venezuela, and those who do not have What to eat? Give them for their Hallas to eat Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas Christmas Doctor José Gregorio Hernández, bless Venezuela and help To all covid patients, and any disease they have Venezuelans for this Christmas to be in peace Saint Michael the Archangel, free Venezuela from all enemies Visible and invisible, and make Venezuela fill with peace, And we can Have a peaceful Christmas, only its power can make it possible Everything this Christmas