I am just straw in the wind, where the storm It makes me weak, and the desire for life makes me despair Christ renews my heart, and mold it as he does The potter with the clay, and turn it into an instrument of your peace bis Sometimes I feel like I'm going to falter and I want to go back and say That no more, but I look at the sky and ask Christ to Help and my help comes from God who made the heavens and the Earth and plants me like a tree next to a stream of waters I am just straw in the wind, where the storm It makes me weak, and the desire for life makes me despair Christ renews my heart, and mold it as he does The potter with the clay, and turn it into an instrument of your peace bis Sometimes I feel like everything is lost and I want to scream in despair But I ask Christ to help me and immediately the skies are covered From his glory and the earth fills with praise, I hear the birds sing The wind blows, and I know they there sing praises for you thank you Christ I am just straw in the wind, where the storm It makes me weak, and the desire for life makes me despair Christ renews my heart, and mold it as he does The potter with the clay, and turn it into an instrument of your peace bis