How long will you be a blind eagle? That you are throwing yourself to personal destruction That will lead you to certain death, remember That eagle does not fly, and you have done it encore Get up and make up your mind not to look anymore That shit that destroys all your organs You started by inhaling, now you inject yourself and in Exorbitant amounts, remember that destroys The heart, get up and march towards your healing How long will you be a blind eagle? That you are throwing yourself to personal destruction That will lead you to certain death, remember That eagle does not fly, and you have done it encore Look around you, and you will see that spring has come That for you the summer has to end, because you will begin A new life, come on renew like the eagle does The eagle suffers in its metamorphosis, but then flies Victorious feeling the owner of the world, come on eagle How long will you be a blind eagle? That you are throwing yourself to personal destruction That will lead you to certain death, remember That eagle does not fly, and you have done it encore