A landscape still, can make you feel like you never will see the sun, again. And on the floor, millions more, lay naked and undressed from will. A promise to keep in the arms of sleep, we've always known we shared the need. It feels like I am losing you, it seems we are falling apart. The warmth in your bliss, the time I miss... all is waiting in your hands. We know the prize of love gone sour, weighing down this weary hour. Though I hear your whispers near, I know I'll never see you again. Hope lays in all its broken ways, tumbling through the madness of life. I made a promise. I break a promise. Don't waste your time, my feet sink in ethereal soil. In the blink of an eye you will forget my name. How is it going to be alone? I made a promise, but I can't bear to keep this promise. You know it hurts me too, this time I break a promise. Don't waste your time.