Sentenced To Burn

Upon Open Gates

Sentenced To Burn

Biblia Tua Cremabunt

Anxiety infesting hell
Know this, I will not fail
Demons, behold a realm to waste
What a waits behind ascending gates
What hopes in vain.
Prayers in his name quite essential
Segregation to the point of extinction
Hopeless, Fear what you do not know
Trade intelligence for ignorance
Not forgotten but enslaved
To the libidinous satyrre mission for a hallowed embrace.

To open the gates of hell you will see
I will deny your right to the path you have dreamed
Ascend to Earth
Nefarious incarnation indulge in night
Hell's brood for war
God's final stand
Now is the time make known thy hand
Demonic institution, thy hordes set flight.
Scrape through out the night, drown the sorrow and light
Soon manifest the passions, anti-Christians unite
Define your right

Unlock gates of pernicious example
Behold Nifarion
Triumph in the name of all that is bane
Hell is what your angel's fear
This is what I bring
No more the angels sing

Design set flawless arrangement
The holy morbid archetype sacrificed
Rise it is now true, to make known the decline of all iniquity

Nefarious incarnation indulge in night
Rise it is now time, sycophant die!
Never know eternity
Demonic Institution, thy hordes set flight
Die death to your kind, decimate your mind
Upon gates unfold, New Shrine
Sinful opposition brings new practition.
Encroach the dogmas condemned accusation
Lay this hemorrhage to waste
Upon Open Gates

Foul souls and arcaynic spite
Tonight unleashed is pure sacrificial rite
With the gates unlocked and torches set
Midnight bane lights the sky with mephitic breath
Soon the falling of the gods
An end to all distracting signs
Forgotten and betrayed dear children of favor
Forget your place
Upon Open Gates

Night has fallen
Anxious ready to strike
Scavenging frail apparition, die!
He will hide his face from the sorrows of the world
Forbid the fiend whose reign is done

Upon Open Gates