Senseless Beauty

Toughts Of Wolves

Senseless Beauty

We rushed into the woods
We were up to no good
It was sunnier then, we were braver men with no weapons to hone.
In the place where fear was born
And our skin is torn
And we're locked within our very own sin
Now we're all alone

We have to stick together
We have to fight
The wolves are coming to take our lives.
I see some blood out the corner of my eye.
The moon is hidden within the sky
We have to stick together
We have to fight

Red eyes

We rushed into the woods
We were up to no good.
It was sunnier then, we were braver men with no weapons to hone.
In the place where fear was born
And our skin is torn
And we're locked within our very own sin
Now we're all alone.

This fear is overwhelming
But help is almost here
This fear is overwhelming
But help is near