
And When Times Goes


Tom: C

Ok  i tabbed out some of the song... its dont complete.. some parts i could not get but 
can be a good start.. feel free to add on to the tab.

Tuning: CGCFAD (Drop C)

Intro: "Words  mean nothing"

|---------------|---------8-7-------8-7-5-7-5-3-5-----|  x 8

Verse: "words so played out i am the epiphony"

|-----------------------------------------------------------------|  x4

the next Breakdowns you can figure out   its chugs along with 10 8 7

Pre bridge: i couldnt figure out this part.. "i will bleed this forever and"



The part during the singing i couldnt figure either.. thats as far as i got but im sure 
one else out there can figure out the rest that i couldn't