Is it an instinct, a common reaction, A prehistoric way to survive. I rest my case, please don't ruin my face As long as you spare me this riot. Every other choice than to raise our voice Seems appropriate we use it instead An act out of self-preservation That later turns into regret You & I Keeping the silence You & I Feeding the violence You & I Keeping the silence Cause only the actual facts seem to speak themselves Without a reason, a good explanation It looks like the shit hit the van. Reach for your crotch, while the bystanders watch And now you're waiting for the Good Samaritan. Every other choice than to raise their voice Seems appropriate they misapprehend It's their act of self-preservation As you feel silence means consent It should be You & I Breaking the silence You & I Facing the violence You & I Breaking the silence Cause only the actual facts seem to speak themselves