See the sickness fill the skies The heat is on, Kyoto cries Optimism's slowly wearing thin Highways jammed with SUV's causing clotted arteries cardiac arrest is kicking in.... And emissions rise again we're turning up the heat they rise again Rise again Emissions there on the rise again Make a-mends For the mass Let's make amends For the mass Let's make a-mends Are we still in time to make amends? fuck the forest, can't you see that money doesn't grow on trees Selfishness polluted our minds Giving in to simple greed Taking things that we don't need eventually we're robbing this world blind And emissions rise again we're turning up the heat they rise again Rise again Emissions there on the rise again Make a-mends For the mass Let's make amends For the mass Let's make a-mends Are we still in time to make amends?