Yesterday I met the postman Bringing packages from England I smiled as to not provoke him Then asked "What's up with the gun, man?" Its been so hot in here for days The ice creams melting Given the means and the ways The sex is helping I lost directions to the microwaving meals And my Captain & Tenelle "Now I try to keep my head above my shoes Especially in front of new wave Hair-Do's" A dying man said to me With his dead lips Selling crack in Eubonics As not to offend or annoy Or strike a bad note As not to damage or destroy Or say a bad word I gave directions to the nearest Coffee Shop So maybe he'd stop, so maybe he'd stop Wake up World it's time to go 'Cause this life can bring you down, so down Wake up World it's time to go And turn around the opposite way Are you man enough to take the blame for this -repeat-