we were down like the hindenberg, baby with a coke and a smile i felt compelled to leave due to the fact that something flew into my eye after coaxing the girl and spanning the globe i'm sure i'll look back differently with many acres of contemptment and design, liquid filth, and violent mood swings and oh yes, she won the west putting on the sunday best with the will of a bottle and a false sense of a direction, protection, dielya - chorus - dielya gotta get you out of a town so dull and with the neon coast straight out of miami vice it is not so inviting as it was about ten or so ago all the cd bins, a podunk collection full of rob bass and mc shan all the airwalks and cardigans and a man with intoxication - chorus - dielya gotta get you out of a town so dull dielya your gleam has completely penetrated my skull long after the schooling of coolness that took place at the sapphire supper i found myself stoned, miserable, and face to face with a beautiful drearie she was staring holes in my skull with that magical power only drearies possess i call it the "stare into my eyes until all you can think about is me" look this particular one was very skilled in this much more so than talking