|| ** Tabbed By Christophinii Newberinii Of Holding The Zero ** || (r = Rest / Pause Briefly) (h = Half note) (x = Dead Note) (b = Bend) You Don't have To Play The Dead Notes If You Don't Want to. But It Does Sounds A Little better If You Do. Thats Just The Way I Play It Intro / Verse (From Start 0:07) G|----------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------| A|-4-4-x-x-x-4-4-x-x-x-4-4-x-x-x-4-4-x-x-4x-5b--| E|----------------------------------------------| Chorus (0:52) G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|------------------------------| E|-2-2x-2r--0-0x-0r--5-5x-5r----| (Back To Intro - 1:22) (Then To Chorus - 2:00) Interlude (2:37) G|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------------| A|-x-5h4-x-5h4-x-5h4-x-5h4-x-444---| E|---------------------------------| (Back To Chorus - 3:08) _______________________________________________________________________ There You Go People. Enjoy And Rate Please Also Please Visit My Bands Site - *