Secret Sky

Lady Howard (A Tale Of Dartmoor)

Secret Sky

My lady has a sable coach
With wild horses four
And my lady has a baying hound
That runneth on before

My lady’s coach has faded gilt
And the driver hides his head
And my lady’s face is the ashen white
Of one who long is dead

Now pray step in, my lady said
Now pray get in and ride
I thank thee, I would rather walk
Than gather by thy side

The coach it flies without a sound
Of hooves or turn of wheels
Like the clouds at night, in the pale moonlight
Along the carriage steals

Now pray step in, my lady said
Now prithee come to me
And she takes the baby from the crib
And sits it on her knee

I’d rather walk a hundred miles
And run by night and day
Than have that carriage wait for me
And hear my lady say
Now pray step in, my lady said
Now pray step in and ride

And deadly pale with wedded veil
She takes to her the bride
The coach it flies without a sound
Of hooves or turn of wheels

Like the clouds at night, in the pale moonlight
Along the carriage steals

Now pray step in, my lady said
There’s room for you I know
And she waved her hand and the coach did stand
Her lover in she drew

Now pray step in, and make no din
Step in with me to ride
There’s room I know by me for you
And all the world besides