Carcassed shell of animal
Help me hurt you
Unbeknownst to heathen lives, you will adapt to what heals
-And break it down
once again you
Once Again You
Failure of a human mind
Is it disfigured?
Inspiring minds would like to know
Pain that doesn’t matter at all, prodding you for easy pleasure,
Easy pleasure numbs you down
Numb your way
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on
Hold your fire
Reachin desire

Modern Quasimodo it lives
Help me hurt you
Help me open up your eyes,
I want to see worlds through your skull
And break it down
Animal I
Animal I Am
Modern Quasimodo it dies
Heaven hurts you
Unbeknownst to heathen lives
You will adapt to what heals
And reject it all
Reject it all
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on
Stop, hold on