See him there, do you laugh at that? Do you cry at that? How does it feel? Make it seem real- who are you? Who am I? You want to die? That’s fine. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. See her whole, and see her tear Cognizance is an utmost tier Societal falseties- consequences build our breed It’s okay! I am fine! I feel so good all the time! It’s okay- I’m not sure? Cheeks that help her feel demure But purity don’t come naturally Your lips bleed apathy Come purify me, get them hypnotized with simple words We become baptized Look at me, read my lips Come institutionalize, and fade down Ice spreading, shaking barren seas Waves of indecision keep us drowning Frostbite on hot holding hands Creature, come take me with you It's fine. That's fine. That's fine. It's fine. It's fine. See you, see her whole and see her tear Cognizance is an utmost tier And fade down Come institutionalize, and slave me around Lead me to you and help me hurt Rip the spine out from above me, spineless cannibal Dying animal Eat your heart out, heart that eats me It’s okay. I am fine. I feel so good all the time. Suicide Suicide suicide while it’s still easier.